Have you ever noticed that real estate professionals sometimes try too hard and start to resemble the shrill shrieking of the worst used car salesman you can imagine? We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that the best sales person is the one who lets an excellent product sell itself. The problem is that somewhere along the way you might have lost track of the fact that you’re selling something (income property) that has proven to be history’s best investment! Nowhere else can an average ordinary Joe or Josephine stand to make such high returns with such low risk.

The next time you have a client seated across the desk, why not simply run through a few real life examples of deals that other people have jumped upon? Here’s one from our affiliate at Platinum Properties Investor Network.


This town has more going for it than music history (Elvis and BB King), great barbecue, and a proximity to the meandering muddy Mississippi. You can find GREAT property deals in Memphis. One recent real estate deal that was snatched up by a happy investor was a 3 bedroom / 1.1 bath brick home built in 1970. Closing costs and down payment were $12,569 against a purchase price of only $39,900. Rent runs $675, yielding a positive cash flow of $207 each and every month after expenses and mortgage payments.This adds up to a 20 percent cash on cash return and a 33 percent total return on investment.

Of course there is no guarantee you will earn this level of profit but we can say that ROI like this is not unusual in our experience, and properties like this Memphis deal regularly show up in our offices.

But there’s a bigger point. You don’t have to work hard to show a smart investor what a good deal this kind of income property investing is. Put together a three ring binder with a handful of examples you can pull from JasonHartman.com. The numbers are all there for anyone to read and interpret. Other areas we’re recommending right now include Atlanta, Dallas, Indianapolis, Phoenix, St. Louis, St. Robert, Denver, Charlotte, Kansas City, Birmingham, Houston, and Cape Coral.

We’d like to close with a final point. When you have a great product that sells itself, life for a real estate agent becomes much less stressful. Give it a shot; become the poster boy or girl for working smarter, not harder. (Top image: Flickr | Paolo Camera)

The AIPIS Team