million dollar businessBy completing the Accredited Income Property Investment Specialist (AIPIS) course you have already guaranteed yourself that you possess the skills to create a million dollar business with real estate investing. The interesting part about the human brain is that translating knowledge into activity is an overwhelming process that the vast majority fail at. That’s why self help books and course have always held top positions on most non-fiction best seller lists.

Chances are that a lack of knowledge is not the missing ingredient between you and outstanding financial success. Unless you’re planning on building a space launch vehicle or conducting brain surgery, the knowledge needed to get started is not as much as you’d like to think. But constant learning, “I’m studying,” is the battle cry of the procrastinator. The time to figure out the details about how to run a million dollar business is after you’ve started a ten cent business and need to make it grow.

What you should do is set aside a bit of time every single day that is devoted to taking concrete action steps to get the business up and running. Write a list if it helps. Pick a random number, say five or ten, and write down that many of the initial steps involved in getting your business off the ground. If you haven’t completed the AIPIS course yet, so what? Keep studying it as you begin to put the principles of income property investing into play with either your own personal investments or as a trusted financial adviser to customers.

If you have have the heart of an entrepreneur, it makes perfect sense to begin building your own real estate empire – remember if you have two properties, it’s an empire, albeit a small one! While we love the idea of certified AIPIS realtors and mortgage professionals educating their contacts about how income property investing works, we also love the idea of each and every one of you building a million dollar business of your own, if the idea strikes your fancy. There are very few other high income potential ideas that require as little work as income properties, especially if you hire a property manager to handle on site issues and an accountant to work through the taxes, leaving you time to locate other great deals.

Million dollar skills are easy. Look at the guy who invented the Pet Rock – it’s finding motivation that’s the tough part. A word of advice: put down the remote and step away from the television. You’ll be amazed at how much extra time in the day that creates.

The AIPIS Team

Flickr / Michael_Lehet