Real estate agentsIn the strict sense of the word, real estate professionals don’t need AIPIS. You can breath, eat, and continue to exist without it. The only reason you need the AIPIS certification is if you’re interested in making serious money as a real estate investment professional in the future. While the internet is changing the landscape of almost every industry we can think of, there’s a good chance there will always be a market, shrinking though it may be, for traditional real estate agents.

But why limit yourself?

As more and more people begin to notice the absolute fleecing their stock portfolio is receiving at the hands of Wall Street, they’re going to start looking for a different way to prepare financially for retirement. That’s when you need to be poised to strike as the information guy or gal who can fill them in on the incredible wealth building opportunities afforded by real income property investing.

You’ll be the one who can explain the advantages of owning property attached to long-term, fixed-rate interest debt. It will be you who can run the numbers for them to show how, in seven short years, they could turn the equity in the house into a passive income stream and never have to work again. Think that might get their attention?

We think so and that’s why we think AIPIS is the designation of choice for real estate professional now and in the future.

The AIPIS Team

Flickr / Nrico