Jason Hartman talked with Nick Sargen, author of Global Shocks: An Investment Guide for Turbulent Markets, about what sort of impact to the economy we should expect now that President Trump is in the White House. Nick Sargen is currently the Senior VP and Chief Economist at Fort Washington Investment Advisors. He has also worked at such prestigious institutions as Salomon Brothers, Morgan Guaranty Trust, JP Morgan Private Bank, and Prudential Insurance Company.

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Key Takeaways:

[1:10] President-elect Trump’s pro-business stance, and what we should expect it to do to the US economy

[4:42] If higher interest rates are on the horizon with the expected increase in Trump’s spending

[6:50] Trade concerns that are being brought to light in response to President Trump’s positions.

[9:36] Why budget deficits and inflation are not always linked

[12:13] Donald Trump, our nation’s first pro-growth, real estate president?

[15:05] Why the market has steadily risen as we’ve heard more about President Trump’s policies

[17:55] Looking deeper into Global Shocks: An Investment Guide to Turbulent Markets

[20:29] Maximizing your profits in a turbulent market

[24:13] Why the financial sector has led the recent market rally


Fort Washington Investment Advisors

Global Shocks: An Investment Guide for Turbulent Markets